Mr. Buckey submitted the following resolution:
Resolved, That we, the minority of the House, ex-
tend to the Speaker and officers of the House our
congratulations for the fair and impartial discharge
of their official duties; and to the members of the
House for their uniform, courteous and gentlemanly
manner in which they have treated the members of
the Republican party of this House.
Which was read, and ordered spread on the
Mr. Hill submitted the following resolution :
Resolved, That the thanks of the House be ex
tended to the Hon. Murray Vandiver for his uniform
kindness to the members of this body, and for the
fairness of his decision upon all questions that have
been submitted to him as Speaker of this House,
Which was read, and ordered spread upon the
The hour of 12, midnight, having arrived, the
Speaker thereupon addressed the House, as follows:
GENTLEMEN :—The constitutional limit of the Ses-
sion has been reached, and it is my duty, as your pre-
siding officer, to put a stop to the further transaction
of business and to declare the session of the House at
an end.
But before making this formal announcement, I
wish to say a few parting words.
I accepted the position of Speaker with a sincere
mistrust of my ability to discharge its many duties
as I felt that they should be discharged, but at the
same time with the confident expectation that by con-
siderate forbearance, cordial co-operation and constant
courtesy, you would help me in my earnest efforts to
preserve order, maintain the dignity of the House and
expedite the work of legislation.
It is a genuine pleasure to feel and to be able pub-
licly to declare that this expectation has been fully
You have indeed steadily encouraged and sus-
tained me and I thank you, one and all, most heartily
for your unvarying kindness and indulgence.