Mr. Schlaffer moved to reconsider the vote by which
House Bill No. 515, entitled an Act to prevent the sale
of spirituous and fermented liquors or lager beer at
Parkton was passed, be reconsidered.
Mr. Schlaffer demanded the yeas and nays.
The demand was sustained.
The yeas and nays were called and appeared as follows:
AFFIRMATIVE.—Messrs. Garner, Donaldson, Hutch-
ins, Hamilton, Jr., Schlaffer, Wooters, Leonard, Kirk,
Godwin, Gaver, Grove, of Frederick, Sappington, of
Frederick, Deen, Thompson, Fitzgerald, Brennan,
Fox, O'Conor, Gallagher, Sanders, Frincke, Carr,
Cornthwaite, Fockler, Hosken, Sr., Haslup, Laws—27.
NEGATIVE—Messrs. Combs, Strong, Brashears, Sap-
pington, of Anne Arundel, Ireland, Maddox, Orrick,
Cole, Elliott, Collins, Green, Anderson, Sterling,
Meredith, Smith, of Dorchester, Miles, Grove, of
Cecil, Bowie, of Prince George's, Hill, Perrie, Bryan,
Wallen, Bevard, Johnson, Carter, Field, Bowie, of
Baltimore city, Sams, Joyce, Shafer, Laird, Barber,
Young, Stottlemyer, Haines, Sellman, Leeds, Tracey,
Ellegood, Bittinger—41.
So the motion to reconsider was rejected, find said
bill was then returned to the Senate.
Senate bill entitled an Act to repeal and re-enact
with amendments sections 59 and 60, of Article 77, of
the Code of Public General Laws, title "Public Edu-
cation," sub-title "Text Books."
Was considered.
Mr. Sams moved to reconsider the vote by which
the following amendment proposed by the Committee
on Ways and Means and adopted by the House on
March 30th.
1. In line 5, section 59, after the word "Commis-
sioners," insert "and the Board of Commissioners of
Public Schools of Baltimore city."
2. In line 7, section 60, after the word "Com-
missioners," insert "and the Board of Commissioners
of Public Schools of Baltimore city."
3. In line 8, after the words "in their respective
counties," insert "and the City of Baltimore."