in the performance of their duties under this Act,
such person shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and
shall be punished by fine not exceeding 8100, or by
imprisonment in county jail for not exceeding tliree
months, or by both fine and imprisonment."
Which was concurred in.
Add a new section to be known as section 10, and
to read as follows:
"Sec. 10. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take
effect from the date of its passage."
Also, strike out the word "thirty," and writing
in lieu thereof "fifteen;" and writing after the
word "destroyed," in last line of section 4, the words
"by fire."
Which was concurred in.
Also, amend section 5 by striking out the word
'Commissioners," in 4th line thereof, and inserting
the words ' 'Tree and Fruit Inspectors,'' and by striking
out the word "Commissioners" in the third and sixth
lines of said section 5, and inserting the words "Tree
and Fruit Commissioners," and in the last line, by
striking out the words "or otherwise."
Which was concurred in.
Also, add a new section to be known as "Sections,"
to read as follows :
"Section 8. And be it enacted, That said Tree and
Fruit Inspectors together, or any two or one of them,
may discharge the duties imposed by this Act,and
that they shall receive for each day of actual service
a per diem of $2.00, and in the same rates for a frac-
tion of a day, to be paid by the County Commissioners
of the county, as well as such other charges and ex-
penses as they shall be put to in the discharge of their
ditties of this Act, shall be paid by the County Com-
missioners ; all expenses, however, arising out of the
failure or refusal of the owner or occupant of any
lands or premises to obey the owner of the Tree and
Fruit Inspectors, and that they shall be put to in the
removal and destruction of any tree or."
Which was concurred in.
Also, at end of section 10, strikeout "county" and
add "and Kent counties."
Which was non-concurred in.