"Roads," and to re-enact the same with amendments,
and to add three new sections to said Article 2, to
follow immediately after section 191, and to be desig-
nated as "Sections 191 A, 191 B and 191 C."
House bill entitled an Act to authorize Sarah J,
Holloway, of Wicomico county, to settle her accounts
as guardian to Minnie F. Holloway, and to pay over
all money due said wards.
House bill entitled an Act to repeal and re enact
with amendments section 3, of chapter 597, passed
at January Session, 1890, entitled an Act to confer
additional jurisdiction upon Justices of the Peace of
Baltimore county.
House bill entitled an Act to incorporate the Balti-
more, East Baltimore and North Point Railroad Com-
Were severally read a second time, and ordered to
be engrossed for a third reading.
The Secretary of the Senate appeared and delivered
the following message:
House bill entitled an Act to repeal sections 2, 5,
11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 20 A, 21, 28, 33 and 34,
of Article 72, of the Code of Public General Laws,
title "Oysters," and to re-enact the same with ammend-
ments, and to add new sections to said Article to fol-
low in proper order and to be designated as sections
20 B, 20 C, 20 D, 20 E, 20 F, 20 G, 20 H and 21 A,
Endorsed: "Rules suspended (two-thirds of all the
Senators concurring by yeas and nays;) read the third
time and passed by yeas and nays with proposal
In line 113 of section 14, strike out the word
'twelve," and insert "fifteen."
Also, after the word "use," in line 220, section 21,
add the words "or transplanting or cultivating."
Also, add after the word "instrument," in seetion
17, line 144, the following: "During the season for
which such boat or vessel is licensed."
Also, strike out the word "six," in line 127, section
20 G, and insert "eight,"