Mr. Shafer, reported unfavorably, from Select
Senate bill entitled an Act to amend the charter of
the President, Managers and Company of the Boons-
borough Turnpike Road Company, passed at the De-
cember Session, 1814, of the General Assembly of
Maryland, chapter 71.
Which report was adopted.
Mr. Leonard, from Select Committee, reported fav-
House bill entitled an Act to prohibit the use of any
vessel in taking or catching crabs with scoop, scrape
or dredge, in the waters of the Great Choptank River.
Which was lead a first time.
Mr. Bryan, from Select Committee, reported favor-
House bill entitled an Act to authorize the County
Commissioners of Queen Anne's county to furnish
official badges to all police officers in said county.
Which was read a first time.
Also, favorably,
House bill entitled an Act to repeal section 129, of
Article 18, of the Code of Public Local Law^, title
"Queen Anne's County," sub-title "County Commis-
sioners," and to re-enact the same with amendments.
Which was read a first time.
Mr. appington, of Anne Arundel, from Select Com-
mittee, reported favorably,
House bill entitled an Act to prohibit the sale of
spirituous and fermented liquors and lager beer within
one mile of Holly Run Methodist Protestant Church,
in the Fifth Election District of Anne Arundel county.
Which was read a first time.
House bill entitled an Act to authorize the County
Commissioners of Queen Anne's county to issue bonds
bearing five per cent, interest to an amount not ex-
ceeding twenty-five thousand dollars, for the purpose
of paying the current expenses of said county.