Mr. Joyce, reported favorably, from the Committee
on Corporations,
House bill entitled an Act to incorporate the town
of Solomons, in Calvert county.
Which was read a first time.
Mr. Joyce, from same Committee, reported favor-
ably, with proposed amendments,
House bill entitled an Act to provide for the mode
of acquisition of property by the Baltimore Forward-
ing and Railroad Company, and to authorize said
company to connect its tracks with those of other
railroad companies und to grant it additional powers
as a railroad.
Strike out all of section two after the word ''city, ' in
the sixth line, and insert in lieu thereof the following
words : "And shall have and enjoy and may exercise
for the purposes mentioned in this Act all the powers,
rights and privileges which other railroad companies in
the State of Maryland may lawfully do."
Which was rejected.
Also, add a new section to follow section 6, to be
numbered section 7, to lead as follows:
"Section 7. And be it further enacted, That before
the said company shall be authorized to exercise
within the limits of the City of Baltimore any of the
pewers hereby granted, it shall be necessary first to
obtain from the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore
an ordinance prescribing the mode, terms and con-
ditions of the location, building and construction of
of said railroad within the limits of said city."
Which was adopted.
Also, add a new section to follow section 7, to be
numbered section 8, to read as follows:
"Section 8. And be it further enacted, That unless
within five years from the date of the passage of this
Act, said company shall exercise the powers hereby
granted by the location and construction of a road,
depot, station, yard, dock, wharf or other terminal