lins, Wooters, Leonard, Kirk, Grove, of Cecil, Hill,
Gaver, Hayward, Stearns, Deen, Johnson, Thompson,
Walz, Fitzgerald, Brennan, Fox, Bowie, of Baltimore
city, O'Conor, Gallagher, Gill, Sanders, Carr, Cornth-
waite, Joyce, Smith, of Washington, Fockler, Shafer,
Garrett, Griffith, Haines, Sellman, Leeds, Tracey,
Haslup, Mo ore— 46.
NEGATIVE—Messrs. Brashears,Orrick, Miles, Bowie,
of Prince George1 s, Bryan, Wallen, Godwin, Franklin,
Wilkinson, Grove, of Frederick, Carter, Sams, Laird,
Barber, Young, Hosken, Sr., Stottlemyer, Ellegood,
Laws, Bittinger, Michaels—21.
Said bill was then sent to the Senate.
On motion of Mr. Wooters,
The House, at 11.20 P. M., adjourned.
WEDNESDAY, March 23d, 1892.
The House met at 11 A. M., and was opened with
prayer by the Rev. Father Brick.
Present at the call of the roll the following mem-
bers :
Messrs. Speaker, Garner Strong, Wilson, Bra-
shears, Donaldson, Hutchins, Sappington, of Anne
Arundel, Ireland, Carrico, Maddox, Orrick, Cole,
Elliott, Hamilton, Jr., Monmonier, Schlaffer, Collins,
Wooters, Leonard, Green, Sterling, Meredith, Smith,
of Dorchester, Miles, Kirk, Beeks, Grove, of Cecil,
Bowie, of Prince George's, Hill, Perrie, Bryan, Wal-
len, Godwin, Franklin, Wilkinson, Hayman, Mc-
Sherry, Gaver, Grove, of Frederick, Bevard, Hayward
Stearns, Deen, Johnson, Thompson, Fitzgerald, Bowie,
of Balto, city, Gill, Sams, Smith, of Washington,
Fockler, Shafer, Garrott, Laird, Griffith, Canby, Bar-
ber, Young, Hosken, Sr., Stottlemyer, Haines, Ber-
ret, Tracey, Ellegood, Laws, Moore, Bittinger,
Journal of the 22d read and approved.
Mr. Berret presented a petition from Nathan O.
Warfield and 42 other citizens of Carroll county, ask-
ing for the passage of an Act to prevent the sale of