Be it resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the thanks of the State of Maryland be, and they are hereby
Thanks of
tendered to Commander Richard I. Leary, for his. courage
the State.
and achievements in vindicating the rights of American
citizens in foreign waters.
Resolved, That as a testimonial of the able and courageous
manner in whicli Commander Richard I. Leary protected
and vindicated American rights during the revolution in
Samoa, the Governor of this —— be, and he is hereby author-
ized and directed to procure and present to Commander
Richard I. Leary, U. S. N., a gold chronometer watch with
an inscription as follows, to wit :
" The State of Maryland to Commander Richard I. Leary,
U. S. N., for his heroism and gallant services in protecting
and vindicating American rights during the revolution in
Samoa in 1888."
And be it further resolved, That the cost of said testimo-
nial shall be paid by the Governor out of the contingent
fund at the disposal of the executive.
NO. 15.
Joint resolution authorizing the Comptroller of the Treas-
ury Department to strike from the books of his office certain
old and worthless accounts and to discontinue the publica-
tion of the same in the annual report of the comptroller of
the Treasury.
WHEREAS, it appears from statement " I " and Tables Nos.
14, 15 and 16 of the Comptrollers Report for the fiscal
year ended September thirtieth, eighteen hundred and
ninety-one, that the following items are still standing
upon the books of the department and are published from
year to year in the Comptrollers Report, to wit :
Interest due from the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal Company
$ 20,385,702 13
Stock of Annapolis and Elkridge Railroad Company.... ..
299,378 41
Baltimore and Potomac Railroad Company......
175,000 00
Baltimore and Drum Point Railroad Company..... ........
152,000 00
Dorchester and Drum Point Railroad Company................ .
101,175 00
Eastern Shore Railroad Company ....................... ... . .
112,700 00
Kent and Queen Anne's Railroad Company .........
101,450 00
Kent County Railroad Company... ................. . .......
101,531 00
Maryland and Delaware Railroad Company .......................
153 350 00
Philadelphia and Baltimore Railroad Company :..............
35,000 00
Southern Maryland Railroad Company....... ...................
163,000 00
Worcester and Somerset Railroad Company....... ...... ....
10,000 00
Worcester Railroad Campany.............. ............. ....
25,000 00