AN ACT to incorporate the Baltimore. East Baltimore and
North Point Railroad Company.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That George Schlaffer, Michael Adams and
George W. Travers, Daniel Keller, Benjamin F. Harris,
Alfred Myers, John Hobbs, Frank Mormon and James P.
Jones, be and they are hereby appointed commissioners to
take subscriptions to the capital stock of the Baltimore,
East Baltimore and North Point Railroad Company hereby
iucorpoiated and they, or a majority of them cause books to
be opened at such times and places and for such period or
periods and upon such notice as they may deem expedient
and may re -open the same from time to time for the purpose
of receiving subscriptions to said capital stock ; and if any
of the above-named directors, shall die, resign or refuse to
act, another or others may be appointed in his or their stead
by a majority of the remaining commissioners.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the subscribers to the
said stock and their successors and assigns, shall be and
they are hereby declared to be incorporated into a company
by the name of the Baltimore, East Baltimore and North
Point Railroad Company, and by that name shall be capable
in law of purchasing, holding, selling and conveying prop-
erty, real, personal and mixed, as far as shall be necessary
for the purpose hereinafter mentioned, and no further, aud
shall have perpetual succession aud by such corporate
name may sue and be sued, and have use of a common seal,
which they shall have the power to alter and renew at their
pleasure, and shall have aud enjoy and may exercise all the
powers, rights and privileges, incident and necessary to the
purpose of said corporation, as created by this act.
SEC. 3. Be it enacted, That when three hundred shares or
more of said stock shall have been subscribed the said com-
missioners or a majority of them shall call a general meeting
of stock-
of the subscribers at such time and place as they may
appoint, and shall give at least ten days' notice thereof by
publication, and at such meeting the said commissioners,
shall lay the subscription books before the subscribers then
aud there present, whereupou, the subscribers, or a majority
of them, shall elect seven directors who shall be stockholders
in said company by ballot, to manage the affairs of said
company, which directors, or a majority of them, shall have
the power to elect a president, from among the directors,
and iu said election and all other elections by the stock -