Caroline County, be and they are hereby constituted a body
corporate by the name of "The Commissioners of Preston,"
and by that name may sue and be sued, have and use a
common seal, and have perpetual succession.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, that the limits of said town
shall be as follows : Beginning for the first line at a point
in the public road leading from Preston to Bethlehem, near
Limits of
the division line between the land of Mrs. Mary A. Cox and
L. P. Williams, and running in a straight line, so as to
include the canning house of Beverly W. Wright within the
corporate limits, to and across the Baltimore aud Eastern
Shore Railroad, to a point where a line at nearly a right
angle with the first line will strike, the line between the
lands of L. P. Williams and Isaac L. Noble, then with said
line to and across the public road leading from Preston to
Choptank, so as to include the residence and outbuilding of
Thomas H. Fluharty; and continue in a straight line to
what is known as the Back Lauding road, then northeast
with said road to the public road leading from Preston to
Illchester, crossing the said road at or near the Friends'
meeting house, and continuing in a straight line on the land
of George F. Whitly, to a point where a nearly right angle
line, after crossing the lands of the heirs of Dr. H. F.
Willis, will strike the division line between the lands of
J. H. Donglass and E. T. Moore, and continuing with said
division line, and in a straight line, to and across the public
road known as the Church road, across the land of Joseph
Donglass to the lane leading from his farm house, then in a
southwesterly direction, in a straight line to the place of
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the male citizens of said
town, of the age of twenty -one years and upwards, having
resided therein six months next preceding any election held
hereunder, and who are qualified to vote for members of the
Election of
General Assembly, shall, on the first Monday in May next,
and annually thereafter on the same day, at the place in
said town designated by the judges of election, elect by
ballot, five commissioners for said town, to serve for one
year, and until their successors shall be elected aud
qualified ; no person shall be elegible as commissioner ot
said town unless over twenty-five years of age and a resi-
dent within said corporate limits at the time of the election
and for at least six months next preceding the same, and
his term of office shall terminate upon his removal of resi-
dence from the town limits.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners
elected hereunder, shall meet on or before the first Monday