"Commissioners of Fisheries," ten thousand dollars, or so
much thereof as in the opinion of the Governor may be
To the State House of Correction, for the support of the
institution, twenty thousand dollars; to the House of
Refuge, fifteen thousand dollars ; to the Female House of
Refuge, five thousand dollars ; to the House of Reformation ,
tory and
other insti-
and Instruction for Colored Children, ten thousand dollars ;
to the managers of the Maryland Hospital for the Insane,
for the support of the institution, twenty-five thousand dol-
lars, and the further sum of twenty thousand dollars for
improvements, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to
the Deaf and Dumb Asylum at Frederick, for the education
of the deaf and dumb, twenty -five thousand dollars ; to the
Maryland School for the Blind, for the education of the
deaf ana dumb and blind colored children of the State,
seven thousand dollars; to the State Vaccine Agent for his
salary, six hundred dollars, and to defray the expense of
procuring reliable vaccine virus, twelve hundred dollars,
or so much thereof as may be necessary.
To the members of the Appeal Tax Court of Baltimore
City, for making out the lists of the holders of Baltimore
City stock, fifty dollars each, one hundred and fifty dollars ;
to the register of Baltimore City, for collecting the State
tax on Baltimore City stock, three hundred dollars ; to the
person employed to take care of the Court of Appeals room,
one hundred dollars; to the secretary of the Senate and
the chief clerk of the House of Delegates, for salaries during
the recess of the Legislature, three hundred dollars each,
six hundred dollars ; for printing the annual report of the
Comptroller of the Treasury, for the fiscal year eighteen
hundred and ninety-two, the sum of one thousand dollars,
or so much thereof as may be necessary ; for the postage,
for the Executive Department, Land Office, the Treasury
Department, secretary of the Senate and chief clerk of the
House of Delegates, twelve hundred and fifty dollars, or so
much thereof as may be necessary ; for fuel and lights for
the public buildings and grounds, to be expended under the
direction and control of the Governor, six thousand and
five hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary;
for salaries and expenses of veterinary inspectors and for
appraised value of animals or buildings destroyed, to pre-