turbauces ; prevent all congregation of disorderly persons in
public places ; and may impose fines, penalties and forfeit-
ures for the violation of their ordinances, and may commit
all offenders to the county jail until the same be paid
with costs.
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That they may, as often as
Make as-
they may deem advisable, cause an assessment to be made
of all the real and personal property within said town, or
the corporate limits thereof by a person to be appointed
and paid by them, which assessment shall not exceed the
assessment of the same for county purposes and the com-
missioners may levy a tax thereon not exceeding ten cents
in the hundred dollars worth of property.
SEC. 13. And be it enacted, That whenever they shall levy
Power to
a tax, they shall cause to be made out an alphabetical list
levy and
of the persons charged therein, and shall cause to be affixed
thereto the respective sums to be collected from such per-
sons, and a warrant to the bailiff to collect the same ; and
the said bailiff shall have the same power of distraint as a
collector of county taxes, and his proceedings thereunder
shall be in all respects similar to the proceedings of a col-
lector of county taxes in such cases.
SEC. 14. And be it enacted, That the bailiff shall make
all collections required of him and pay the same to the
Bailiff to
make col-
clerk within six months from the time the tax bill is placed
in his hands.
SEC. 15. And be it enacted, That any fines penalties and
forfeitures imposed by this charter, or by any ordinance of
the commissioners, may be collected by procedings in the
name of the commissioners before a justice of the peace ;
and the justice of the peace shall have power to commit
the offender to the county jail on failure to pay such line
and forfeitures until the same shall be paid with costs.
SEC. 16. And be it enacted, That the commissioners shall
not expend or contract to expend in any one year more
money than the amount receivable from taxes and other
sources for that year.
SEC. 17. And be it enacted, That the county commis-
sionrs, justices of the peace, sheriffs, constables, and all
State and county officers shall havo, hold and exercise their
offices and jurisdiction in said town as if this charter had
not been granted and the County Commissioners of
Montgomery County shall, on or before the first day of
January in the year eighteen hundred and ninety-three,
and on or before the first day of January in each