AN ACT to incorporate the town of Laytonsville in Mont-
gomery County.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the citizens of the town of Laytonsville,
in Montgomery County, be and they are hereby constituted
a body corporate by the name of the " Commissioners of
Laytonsville," and by that name may sue and be sued, and
have and use a common seal.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the coporate limits of
said town shall be as follows : Beginning on the south side
of Laytonsville at a point where the Olney road intersects
the road leading from Laytousville to Gaithersburg, thence
by a straight line, in a northeasterly direction, through the
lands of H. B. Penn, H. Weeks, T. L. Bell, Joseph Simp-
son and U. H. Griffith to the summit of stone quarry hill on
the road leading from Laytonsville to Unity ; thence by a
straight line in a northwesterly direction, through the
lands of U. H. Griffith and W. B. Mobley, to a point on
the road leading from Laytonsville to Damascus, marked by
a gate just north of the house occupied by B. Taylor ;
thence by a straight line in a southwesterly direction,
through the lands of W. B. Mobley, J. M. Gue and J. G.
Warfield to the summit of the hill west of the lane leading
to J. G. Warfield's dwelling house on the road leading
from Laytonsville to Goshen ; thence by a straight line in
a southeasterly direction through the lands of G. E.
Gaither and E. O. Brown to the place of beginning.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the male citizens of
Laytonsville of the age of twenty-one years and upward,
who have resided in said town for six months next preced-
ing the election, shall on the first Monday in May, annu-
ally elect three freeholders who have resided in said town
for six months next preceding said election, as commis-
sioners of Laytonsvile, to serve for one year or until their
successors shall be elected and qualified. They shall receive
no pay for their services.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the three Commissioners
shall, at their first meeting after an election, elect one of