article one, of the Code of Public Local Laws, title, " Alle-
gany County, sub-title " Westernport, " as amended by the
act of eighteen hundred aud ninety, chapter one hundred
and thirty-five, be and the same is hereby repealed aud
re-enacted so as to read as follows :
Power to
249. The Commissioners shall liave power to lay an equal
tax on the property within the limits of said town to such
an amount, eacli year not exceeding the sum of forty cents
on each one hundred dollars worth of property, as may
be deemed necessary, for the government of said town,
which said taxes so levied and assessed shall be collected
promptly by the bailiff of said town aud by said bailiff paid
over as collected or within ten days thereafter to the treas-
urer of said town appointed by said Commissioners, and the
said bailiff shall have the same power to distrain for said
taxes as the collector of Public County taxes has to distrain
for the same, and the said Commissioners shall fix the
amount of boud, rate of compensation aud prescribe the
duties respectively of said bailiff and treasurer, all property
within the limits of Westemport, or that may have a situs
there by reason of the residence of the owner therein,
except as hereinafter provided, shall be taxed for municipal
purposes and said Commissioners shall have power to appoint
one or more assessors as in their judgment may be required
to assess all real and personal property aud estate in said
town at such times as they may deem necessary ; and all
vacancies ocurriing dm ing the year from death, removal,
resignation or auy other cause, whether in the office of Com-
missioner of Westernport, or in any office under their con-
trol shall without delay be filled by appointment by the
Commissioners of Westernport.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved, February 9th, 1892.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Comptroller of the State be and is hereby
authorized and directed to draw his warrant upon the Treas-
urer of the State, iu favor of Thomas and Evans, priuters,