asylums, provided such coiporatious are located in this
State and that the property which they possess or acquire is
located therein, but corporations formed for the creation
and maintenance of educational associations, universities,
To hold
colleges, academies, hospitals or asylums, may take and
out of
hold any property, real or personal, situate out of this State
which may be given, granted, demised or bequeathed to
said corporations and may hold, use or sell and convey the
same, or may deal with it in any manner not inconsistent
with law.
SEC. 3. The object or purposes for which incorporation is
sought, the time of its existence not to exceed forty years,
and the articles, conditions and provisions under which the
incorporation is formed ; provided, that the limitation as to
for which
the duration of the existence of corporations formed under
this article shall not apply to gas light companies, or to cor-
is sought
porations formed for the creation or maintenance of educa-
tional associations, universities, colleges, academies, hos-
pitals or asylums, and that certificates of incorporation of
all corporations named in the proviso may contain pro-
visions for perpetual existence.
SEC. 47. If any alteration or amendment of the articles
or provisions of the charter of any of said corporations shall
tion, &c.,
be made by the authority of the corporations, such alter-
of Charter
ation or amendment shall be made known, acknowledged
and recorded in the same manner as prescribed in sections
forty-two, forty-three and forty-four of this article, and
after the said alteration or amendment shall be recorded,
the same shall be taken to be a part of the said charter or
instrument as if the same had originally been made a part
thereof; and any corporation heretofore formed under the
provisions of this article for the creation or maintenance of
educational associations, universities, colleges, academies,
hospitals or asylums, the existence of which by the terms of
its charter is limited to a period of forty years or less, is
authorized to amend its charter so as to provide for per-
petual existence.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted That the Legislature reserves;
to itself the right to alter, amend or repeal this act or any
part thereof, and that nothing herein contained shall be
construed to prevent the forfeiture of the charter of any
corporation formed or amended under or in accordance with
the provisions of this act for mis-user or non-user of its cor-
porate powers as now recognized by law.
Approved March 1st, 1892.