connections and facilities with such connections and facili-
ties, without discrimination or partiality ; provided such
applicant comply or offer to comply with a reasonable
regulations of the company ; and no such company shall
impose any conditions or restrictions upon any such appli-
cant that are not imposed impartially upon all persons or
companies in like situation, nor shall such companies dis-
criminate against any individual or company engaged in
any lawful business, or between individuals or companies
engaged in the same business, by requiring, as a condition
for furnishing such facilities that they shall not be used in
the business of the applicant, or otherwise for any lawful
SEC. 232 E. Any owner, operator, agent or other person
who shall collect or receive for the rental or use of any
such telephone and line, any sum in excess of the ratio
fixed by this act, shall upon conviction be fined not less
than one hundred dollars for each offence.
Approved April 7th, 1892.
AN ACT to increase the salaries of the judges of this State.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That from and after the first day of April, eighteen
hundred and ninety-two, the salaries of the several judges
of this State shall be as follows, viz :
The salary of each chief judge of the first seven judicial
circuits, and of the judge of the Court of Appeals from Bal-
Salaries of
timore City, and of the several judges of the Supreme Bench
the Judges
of Baltimore City, shall be four thousand five hundred dol-
of the
lars ; and of each associate judge of the first seven judicial
circuits shall be three thousand six hundred dollars per
annum, payable quarterly.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 7th, 1892.