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Session Laws, 1892
Volume 397, Page 514   View pdf image (33K)
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the Code of Public General Laws title "Elections," sub-


title "Registration" as amended by chapter five hundred


and seventy-three of the acts of the General Assembly of

Maryland passed at the January session of eighteen hundred

and ninety, be and the same is hereby repealed and

re-enacted so as to read as follows :

SEC. 35. In the year eighteen hundred and ninety and

biennially thereafter, there shall be in the city of Baltimore


in the several precints of the several wards thereof, an


entire new general registration of voters thereof ; and for

the purpose of making said new general registration the

registers of said several wards hereinbefore provided for

shall sit in their several and respective precincts in one or

more places therein as the conveniences of the voters in

their judgment may require as hereinbefore provided for

registration, revision and correction of the registration

books of the several precincts of said several wards and

said new general registration shall be conducted in all

Tespects under the rules and provisions as are already, by

this article prescribed for the registration of voters and at

such new general registration the registers of their several

precincts as aforesaid shall be entitled to receive the pre-

ceding registration books from the Board of Supervisors of

Election in the city of Baltimore for the purpose of com-

parison and assistance in identification, and if any one shall

apply for registration who appears in such former registry

as disqualified, his name shall be entered iu the new

registries, but he shall be marked "disqualified" unless

such grounds of disqualification shall be removed ; it shall

not be necessary for any naturalized citizen applying to be

registered to produce his original naturalization papers or

any certified copy thereof if he shall prove to the satis-

faction of said officers of registration by his own oath that

he has been a registered voter in the State within the five

years next preceding such application and that he has

actually voted upon such previous registration ; the regis-

tration shall be by said registers completed, compared and

made to agree and shall be returned to the clerk of the

Superior Court of Baltimore City within two days after the

last day of the October sitting for the registration of

voters ; in the case of any one registered to whose regis-

tration objection in writing under oath shall have been

made and filed, with said registers or in case of refusal on

the part of said registers to register any one applying to be

registered an appeal may be taken within one week after

the final day of the October sitting for revision but not

afterward from final action of said registers to any one of

the courts of Baltimore City, and the action of said court

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Session Laws, 1892
Volume 397, Page 514   View pdf image (33K)
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