sary for the public business. The members of the town
When to
council shall be entitled to one dollar per day each for
attending the sessions of the council, or attending to the
other public business required of them ; not, however, to
exceed twenty -four dollars to any member in any one year.
175. The town council shall appoint three judges of elec-
tion and two clerks for the purpose of holding each general or
Judges and
special election which may be held under the provisions of
this act, or the ordinances passed in pursuance thereof. Ten
days' notice shall be given of all elections general or special.
176. If any vacancy shall occur in the town council more
than three months before the close of the term by reason of
In council.
death, resignation, removal from the town, removal from
office or otherwise of auy member, the town council shall
without delay, order a special election to be held for the
purpose of filling such vacancy.
177. The members of the town council shall meet at their
regular place of meeting on the first Monday iu May, in
each year, to organize ; they shall elect one of their num-
ber to be president of the town council, who shall preside
at their meetings, and in the absence of the mayor, or in
case of a vacancy in that office shall ex-officio be clothed
with all the powers and perform all the duties of mayor.
The town council shall also at said meeting elect a town
clerk, treasurer and tax collector.
178. The town council shall, in the year eighteen hun-
dred and ninety-two, and in each fifth year thereafter,
cause an assessment to be made of all the property, real,
personal and mixed in said town for the purpose of taxa-
tion, and shall provide by ordinance for making such
assessment, and for hearing appeals from any valuation
which may be made.
179. The town council shall have power to levy and col-
lect taxes not to exceed fifty cents on the one hundred dol-
lars' worth of property in any one year, and shall provide by
ordinance for the collection of said taxes. The levy shall
be made at the regular meeting in June in each year, and
all taxes so levied shall be a lien on any and all property of
the person against whom they are levied.
180. The town council shall provide for maintaining
town scales and a lock-up, or town prison where all offenders
against the ordinances of the town may be imprisoned by
the tribunal having jurisdiction to hear such offenses.
181. No member of the town council shall during his
term of office, hold or be interested in any other office under