AN ACT to regulate the proceedure in prosecutions for
cruelty to animals.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That justices of the peace shall have jurisdiction
Cruelty to
concurrent with that of the courts of criminal jurisdiction,
tion of
to try and determine all cases in relation to cruelty to ani-
mals and to pronounce sentence of fine and imprisonment,
or either, in the same manner as said courts ; but if either
the party accused or the State's attorney shall elect to have
the case tried before court it shall be the duty of the jus-
tice of the peace to give a preliminary hearing, except in
cases where such hearing is waived by the accused, and if
there be a probable cause of guilt, to commit or bail the
the accused for the action of the court having jurisdiction.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That whenever a fine is imposed
in any such case by any court or justice of the peace one-
half thereof shall be paid to the Maryland Society for the
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals of Baltimore City, in case
there shall be no society of a similar character in the county,
city or town where the offence shall have been committed,
in which latter event the said one-half of the fine shall be
paid to the said local society.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the justice of the peace
before whom any party accused shall be brought for his
Waiver of
Jury trial.
action under the provision of this act shall before proceed-
ing to try and determine the case, make kuown to such
party his right to a trial before the court having criminal
jurisdictiou, as aforesaid, and shall obtain from such party
a written waiver of said right signed by such party to be
filed among the proceedings in the case and to be noted on
the docket of said justice.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 7th, 1892.