Hillen road, and thence northwesterly on the Hillen road
to Chesapeake Avenue, and thence on Chesapeake Avenue
to and into the village of Towsontown, and said company
is hereby authorized to change said route or any portion
thereof between its two termini if it should find the same to
be necessary or practicable.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That, in the construction of
city limits.
that part of its road within the limits of the city of Balti-
more, the same shall be constructed under the supervisions
of the city commissioners, and all the provisions of the act
of eighteen hundred and eighty-two, chapter two hundred
and twenty-nine entitled, an act to secure the benefit of a
five cent fare upon the passenger horse railways in the city
of Baltimore, and which require the payment of a tax on
the gross receipts of horse railway companies in the city of
Baltimore shall be applicable to the corporation created by
the provisions of this act.
SEC. 10. And be it further enacted, That said corporation
May con-
herein incorporated is hereby authorized to consolidate with.
such road or roads as it may cross, or connect with upon
such terms as may be agreed upon between them, or said
road may purchase, lease or sell to such connecting roads or
may be leased by them.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That in case the said company
shall not be able to agree with the owner or owners of any
nation pro-
land required for said railway, or for the purchase of stone,
gravel or earth required in the construction thereof for the
crossing of any turnpike road or railroad, or where such
owner may be an infant, feme covert or now compos mentis,
on application to a justice of the peace of Baltimore County
or Baltimore City as the case may be, he shall issue his
warrant, under his hand and seal, directed to the sheriff of
said county or city, requiring him to summons a jury of
twenty inhabitants of said county or city, not in anywise
interested in the question, to meet on the land or premises,
to be valued on a day named in said warrant, not less than
ten, nor more than twenty days from the date thereof, of
which day so appointed the owner, or owners of said land
shall have at least teu days' notice, to be given by the presi-
dent of said company, and on the day, at the place so
appointed the said sheriff shall attend ; and if any of the
jurors so summoned by him shall fail to attend he shall im-
mediately summon as many others as, with those in attend-
ance, may, furnish a panel of twenty jurors, and from the
panel thus completed each party or his agent may strike the
names of four persons, and the remaining twelve jurors shall
form a panel to assess the value of such lands or materials.