boards of supervisors, sample printed forms of ballots for
their assistance in the preparation of the ballots by them,
and also prepare and cause to be printed in clear, large
type, on separate cards, to be called cards of instructions,
at the expense of the State, and transmit to said respective
boards of supervisors full instructions for the guidance of
voters as to obtaining ballots, the manner of marking them,
the method of gaining assistance, and the manner of
obtaining new ballots, in place of those accidentally
spoiled, together with copies of sections 162 to 166, inclu-
sive, to the number of ten for each polling place, and the
sum of one thousand dollars per annum, or as much thereof
as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of any
funds in the treasury, not otherwise appropriated, for the
employment of clerical help to assist at the executive
department in preparing and attending to election business
hereby assigned to the executive office.
Approved April 4th, 1892.
AN ACT to extend the charter of Mount Savage Lodge
number forty -three, Independent Order of Odd Fellows,
granted by the General Assembly of Maryland at its De-
cember session, eighteen hundred and forty-four, chapter
two hundred and ninety-three, and to grant additional
power to said corporation.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted, That the provisions of an act
passed at the December session, eighteen hundred and forty-
four, chapter two hundred and ninety-three, entitled an act
in force.
for the incorporation of Mount Savage Lodge number forty-
three of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, in the State
of Maryland, be and the same is hereby extended and con-
tinued in force for the period of forty years from the date of
its expiration in March, eighteen hundred and seven ty -five,
and until the close of the session of the next General
Assembly held, therefore,
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That all acts of said corpora-
tion done by it in its corporate capacity since the expiration
Acts made
of its charter in March, eighteen hundred and seventy-five,
be and the same are hereby made as good and valid as the
same would have been had said charter been in force at the
time of doing said act.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the said corporation shall
be capable in law to have, receive, and retain to it, and its