ment thereof, and also with power to convert the bonds so
issued, into capital stock of said company, upon such terms
as may be agreed upon between the holder or holders or
of said bonds, and said president and directors.
SEC. 21. That the president and directors of said com-
pany shall have full power and authority to connect the
with other
railroad which may be constructed under the provisions of
this act, with any other railroad now existing, or which
may hereafter be constructed and also to make such con-
tracts and arrangements with the president and directors of
such railroads for the through transportation of passengers
and merchandise, and all property of what kind soever, in
the cars or carriages of either company, as may appear to
said president and directors convenient and advantageous.
SEC. 22. This amendment shall not in anywise impair or
Not to
render inoperative any part of said original charter, or any
act done by said company thereunder, nor in anywise inter-
fere with any rights or claims created or grown up under
and by virtue of said original charter.
SEC. 23. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 2nd, 1892.
AN ACT to repeal sections 156 and 169 of article 14 of the
Code of Public Local Laws, title " Worcester County,"
sub-title "Ocean City," and to re-enact the same with
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the
State of Maryland, That section s 156 and 169 of article 24 of
the Code of Public Local Laws, title " Worcester County,"
sub-title " Ocean City," be and the same are hereby repealed
and re-enacted so as to read as follows :
SEC. 156. Se it enacted, That the legal voters of Ocean
City who have resided within its corporate limits, six months
sioners to
be elected
preceding an election and all male persons, who own any
interest in real estate in said town, of the age of twenty-one
years, and upwards shall elect by ballot on the first Monday
in May 1892 an in every second year thereafter, three per-
sons, who are owners of real estate in said town, or interested
therein, to be commissioners of said town, to serve for two
years from the date of their election, and until their succes-
sors are elected and qualified, and the services rendered by
said commissioners shall be gratuitous and without pay.