need demands, and a telegraph line and all necessary
Locate and
sidings, stations, switches, turnouts, and other devices
between the following points, to wit; commencing at or
near the point where the Baltimore and Potomac Rail-
road crosses Beaver Run in Prince George's County, Mary-
land, near the northeast corner of the District of Columbia
and extending thence in a southeasterly direction through
the counties of Prince George's, Anne Arundel and Calvert
to the Chesapeake Bay at a place called " Chesapeake
Beach " and "Plum Point," with privilege of extending the
western end of said line to such point in the northerly line
of the District of Columbia as may be found necessary for
the future interest of the public and said corporation, and
with the further privilege of constructing such docks, piers,
bridges, and retaining walks along the bay shore as may be
SEC. 5. The capital stock of the said Washington and
Chesapeake Beach Railway Company shall be one million
dollars, divided into twenty thousand shares of fifty dollars
each. No certificate of stock shall be issued until the same
shall have been fully paid up.
SEC. 6. That the said company may buy, lease or con-
struct such depots, ticket offices, workshops, engine houses,
warehouses and other structures at such points along its
said line of railway and the branches thereof as may be
required for the company's business. That it may receive
by deed of gift, purchase and hold such land as may be
necessary for its line aud terminal facilities, stations, yards
and other purposes along the line of its said railway, and
may also purchase, own, hold, sell, lease or otherwise dis-
pose of such lands and premises at the terminal at Chesa-
peak Bay as may be essential for the establishment at the
said terminal of a permanent seaside resort, not exceeding
in the aggregate three thousand acres.
SEC. 7. That at the annual meeting of the stockholders,
of affairs
the president and directors, in office for the preceding year,
shall exhibit to the stockholders a clear and distinct state-
ment of the affairs of said company ; that at any called
meeting of the stockholders a majority of them present, in
value, may require similar statements from the directors,
whose duty it shall be to furnish them when thus required,
and at all general meetings of the stockholders, a majority
in value of all the stockholders of the company, may remove
from office, the president or any of the directors of the com-
pany and elect others in their stead.
SEC. 8. That if at any time the capital stock of the said
company shall be found to be insufficient for the purposes of