justice of the peace of the State of Maryland in and for
. Somerset County, with the violation of section one hundred
and seventy -four and one hundred and seventy -nine of the
Code of Public Local Laws for Somerset County, as repealed
and re-enacted by chapter forty-four, of the acts of the
General Assembly of Maryland, passed at its January ses-
sion eighteen hundred and ninety, upon the oath and infor-
mation of John R. Pruitt, also a citizen of Somerset
County, was convicted on the twenty -ninth day of November
in the year eighteen hundred and uinety, by said justice
aud fined fifty dollars and costs, which fine was paid to said
justice, who has since paid one half of said fine to the
informer and retained the other half in his hands to be dis-
posed of according to law. And whereas, since the impo-
sition and payment of said fine it has been discovered that
the act of Assembly under which said fine was imposed had
been repealed by chapter six hundred and two of the Acts
of the General Assembly of Maryland, passed at said
January session of eighteen hundred and ninety, and was
not in force in Maryland at the time of said conviction and
the imposition of said fine, but said conviction was illegal
and said fine improperly imposed, paid and disposed of,
now, therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That said William H. Groscup be and he is
To refund.
hereby authorized and required to repay and restore to said
James E. Dashiell, the sum of twenty-five dollars, the same
being one-half of the said fine imposed by him on said James
E. Dashiell, and which is still remaining undisposed of in
his hands, and the said informer, John R. Pruitt, be required
to repay and restore to said James E. Dashiell, the sum of
twenty -five dollars so as aforesaid received by him, the said
John R. Pruit as the informer in said case, and the said
James E. Dashiell shall have his cause of action against
said Pruitt for the recovery of said amount so as aforesaid
illegally paid to him as such informer, recoverable by suit
before a justice of the peace of the State of Maryland upon
proper proofs of same as other debts of like amount are now
recoverable in the State of Maryland.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 1st, 1892.