and attested by the seal thereof, to the amount of twenty -five
thousand dollars, which said bonds, shall be of the denomi-
nation of five hundred dollars each, and shall bear interest
at a rate not exceeding five per centum per annum payable
semi-annually the principal of said bonds shall be payable
in thirty years from date of issue, subject however to the
right of said county at its option to redeem the said bonds
in whole or in part at any time after the expiration of ten
years from the date of said issue.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said County Com-
missioners of Talbot County shall sell said bonds to be
To sell
said bonds
issued as aforesaid, not however less than par and with the
proceeds thereof pay said subscription of said county to
said railroad company, provided, however, that before any
bonds shall be issued under this act the said railroad com-
pany by its president and board of directors as well as by a
majority of its bondholders shall file in the office of the
County Commissioners of Talbot County an agreement in
writing authorizing the said County Commissioners of
Talbot County to first pay and satisfy all proper and legal
claims and demands held by bona fide residents of Talbot
County on the twentieth day of April, in the year eighteen
hundred and ninety-one, against said railroad company out
of the proceeds arising from the sale of said bonds and the
balance, if any, to apply under the order and direction of
Joseph B. Seth, the president of said railroad company.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That should there be claims
and demands properly recoverable against said railroad
of sale.
company held by bona fide residents of Talbot County on
the twentieth day of April in the year eighteen hundred
and ninety-one, in excess of said county's subscription then
and in that event the said County Commissioners shall ap-
ply the money arising from the proceeds of sale of said
bonds to the payment of said claims pro rata and the re-
ceipt of said bona fide residents of Talbot County holding
said claims and of the president of said railroad company
in the event there should be any balance remaining after the
payment of the claims herein recited shall be good and
sufficient against said railroad company and all others
claiming under it for said county's subscription.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That Joseph B. Har-
rington, Jerome B. Bennett, and C. Robert Leonard be and
To de-
ermine the
they are hereby appointed with full power and authority to
amount of
each claim.
determine the amount of each claim as well as who are en-
titled to be paid their claims against said railroad company
from the proceeds of sale of said bonds and no claim shall
be paid until the same shall be passed upon and approved