or refuse to qualify forthwith, or who, having qualified,
shall fail or refuse to perform any of the duties of his said
office, shall be liable to a penalty of five hundred dollars, to
be recovered by indictment in a court having jurisdiction
of the subject matter.
SEC. 159 G. The mayor shall cause the books to be pre-
pared at the expense of the city of Hagerstown, which
shall be necessary for the use of the respective officers of
registration for the registration of the names and facts re-
quired by this article to be registered ; there shall be thus
provided for the purposes aforesaid, two registries of voters
for each ward in the city of Hagerstown ; said registi ies of
voters shall be uniform in their general character and shall
each be of sufficient size for the uses for which it is intended,
each of the said registries of voters shall be so arranged as
to admit of the alphabetical classification of the names to
be recorded therein, and shall be ruled in paralelled col-
umns for the entry of the following particulars : First of
the name of the person applying to be registered ; second,
his color ; third, whether sworn or affirmed ; fourth, his age ;
fifth, the place of his birth ; sixth, the place of his actual
residence or domicile, by street and number, if any ; seventh,
the time sucli applicant has resided in the city of Hagers-
town and in the ward in which he applies to be registered ;
eighth, if naturalized, the date of his final papers or cer-
tificate of naturalization and a minute of the court by which
the same was issued ; ninth, " qualified voters ; " tenth,
"disqualified;" eleventh, "remarks;" there shall be also
columns for the check marks showing that the voter has
SEC. 159 H. The mayor shall cause to be delivered to
the respective officers of registration of said registration
districts before the first Monday in March, in the year
eighteen hundred and ninety-two, two of said registries for
the ward for which said officer of registration shall have
been appointed ; and the said respective officers of regis-
tration, on receiving the same, shall immediately receipt
therefor to the mayor ; and in the same manner, on the first
Monday in March, in the year eighteen hundred and
ninety-four, and on the same date every two years there-
after, similar registries shall be deliveied to said respective
officers of registration, who shall accurately transcribe into
said new registries the names of all registered voters then
appearing as qualified voters upon the registries delivered
as aforesaid, the second year preceding the delivery of said
new registries.
SEC. 159 I. The said officers of registration appointed for
any registration district in the city of Hagerstown, shall