the tickets provided for in section two of this act, and all
other expense incident thereto shall be levied for and paid
by the county commissioners.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That at the said election, the
legal and qualified voters of said county are authorized to
To cost
cast a vote or ballot, for removal of county seat to La Plata,
a vote
or against removal of county seat to La Plata, which vote
or ballot shall be on tickets to be furnished by the county
commissioners as in this act provided ; which tickets shall
be printed separately and respectively, one set "for removal
of county seab to La Plata," and one set against removal of
county seat to La Plata " and said votes or ballots as cast
at said election, shall be counted by the judges appointed
by the county commissioners as hereinafter provided to act
as such at said election who shall make return of said votes,
or ballots to the clerk of the Circuit Court for Charles
County who shall within ten days thereafter, make procla-
mation of the result of said election by publication in the
newspapers published in said county and if it shall be found
by the said return of the judges and the proclamation of
said clerk that more votes or ballots were cast " Against
removal of county seat Jo La Plata " than " For removal of
county seat to La Plata, " then this act shall be nugatory
and of no effect, and if it shall be found by said returns and
the proclamation of the clerk of the Circuit Court that more
votes or ballots were cast " For removal of county seat to
La Plata," than "Against removal of county seat to La
Plata" thenceforth La Plata shall be the county seat of
said county and a court house and a jail, together with
necessary offices for the transaction of the public business,
shall be built at La Plata.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That for the purposes only
of election hereinbefoie provided for, the Australian ballot
system as enacted by chapter five hundred and thirty-eight
of the acts of Assembly of eighteen hundred and ninety,
shall not prevail ; but that the said election shall be held
ballot law
under the general election law of the State of Maryland as
shall not
the same existed prior to the passage of said chapter five
hundred and thirty-eight of the acts of Assembly of eighteen
hundred and ninety, and provided, that nothing herein con-
tained shall be construed to affect the said Australian ballot
system as to future elections in its application to Charles
County, but only for the election in this act hereinbefore
provided for: and the County Commissioners of Charles
County aforesaid are hereby empowered to appoint three
judges of election for each election precinct of said county,
whose duties shall cease and be at an end when they shall