at a large stone on the east side of the road which inter-
sects the county road leading from Harrison to East New
Market, also on the south side of a road leading from Hur-
lock to Harrison ; thence with the south edge of the road
leading to Harrison and on a line of Joseph B. Andrew's
lands north 63° east 77 perches to a white oak tree ; thence
20 1/2° west 196 perches ; thence south 69 1/2° west 148 perches;
thence south 20 1/2° east 188 perches to the lands of John G.
Heitckinson and on the south edge of a road, thence with
said road north 82 1/2° east 73 1-5 perches to the place of be-
ginning ; containing one hundred and eighty -eight acres of
land more or less.
327. There shall be three commissioners of said town who
shall hold office for two years from the date of their election,
or until their successors shall duly qualify. The first elec-
tion for commissioners shall be held on the first Saturday in
May, A. D., 1892, and on such first Saturday in May in
every second year thereafter ; at the said first election the
justice of the peace residing within the corporate limits, or
if there be no resident justice then the justice of the peace
of Dorchester County who resides nearest said town shall
hold said election as judge thereof, and he shall give ten
days' previous notice of the time and place for holding such
election, by written or printed notices posted in three con-
spicuous places, within such corporate limits ; the said jus-
tice shall count the votes cast at said election, and shall
notify the persons elected of their election, and shall within
three days alter said election administer to such commis-
sioners so elected the oath of office, usually required of per-
sons holding office in this State ; and he shall thereupon
make out a certificate as to said election and qualifica-
tion, and shall forward the same to the clerk of the circuit
court for Dorchester County, who shall retain the same in
his office for two years from the date of said election. At
all subsequent elections, one of the commissioners may act
as judge under appointment made by the commissioners, or
a majority of them, or they may appoint some other resident
of such town as judge, and such judge shall make out a cer-
tificate of such election and make oath to the fairness of
the same before some justice of the peace of said county,
who shall administer the oath of office to the commissioners
as at the first election, and such certificate of election and
certificate of qualifications of the commissioners, shall be
forwarded to the said clerk to be retained for two years in
his office as aforesaid, provided, that if the newly elected
commissioners fail to qualify within three days after the
election, they may qualify as soon thereafter as may be con-
venient. Ten days' notice of all elections after the first