eighty-six, by issuing the bonds of Caroline County to the
amount of sixty thousand dollars, for the purpose of raising
money to be expended in such construction, and to levy a
tax on the taxable pro\»erty of said county for the payment
a tax.
of the interest and principal of said bonds, and that the said
bonds shall be issued and said tax levied, and the said aid
extended to said Delaware and Chesapeake Railway upon the
terms, conditions and limitations contained and expressed in
the first, second, third and fourth sections of the Act of the
General Assembly of eighteen hundred and ninety, chapter
three hundred and ninety, which terms, conditions and limi-
tations are hereby made a part of this act.
SEC. 3. Be it enacted, That this act shall take effect from
the date of its passage.
Approved March 3rd, 1892.
AN ACT to authorize the Chevy Chase Land Company,
of Montgomery County, Maryland, to sell to or contract
with the Rock Creek Railway Company, of the District
of Columbia, respecting the railroad of the said The
Chevy Chase Land Company, of Montgomery County,
Maryland, and to define the powers of the said The Rock
Creek Railway Company, of the District of Columbia, in
case of such sale or contract.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Chevy Chase Land Company, of
Montgomery County, Maryland, be and it is hereby author-
ized and empowered to sell and convey to the Rock Creek
Railway Company, of the District of Columbia, or otherwise
Land Co.
to contract with the said The Rock Creek Railway Com-
pany, of the District of Columbia, respecting the line of
railway, including rights of way, &c., now constructed, or
hereafter to be constructed by the said The Chevy Chase
Land Company, of Montgomery County, Maryland, in said
Montgomery County, and which connects, or may connect,
with the present line of the said The Rock Creek Railway-
Company, of the District of Columbia, and that .upon the
making of such sale or contract, if not inconsistent with the
terms thereof, the said The Rock Creek Railway Company,
of the District of Columbia, shall have, respecting the said
line of railway in the said Montgomery County, the same
rights, powers and privileges as it now has, or may here-