ration; to provide for compensating the president of the
company, and to pass all such by-laws and make all such
rules and regulations, and the same from time to time, to
alter or amend, as shall be necessary to the full exercise of the
powers hereby granted and mentioned and all other powers
vested in the said directors or in the corporation by the act
to which this is a supplement, or by any of the former sup-
plements thereto.
SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That this act shall
at all times be liable to be amended, altered or repealed by
the General Assembly of Maryland, and until specially
Liable to
repeal, &c.
repealed thereby, shall continue in force.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved March 16th, 1892.
AN ACT to amend the charter of the Woodberry Manufac-
turing Company, incorporated under the Act of the
General Assembly of Maryland, passed at the January
session of 1868, chapter 463.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the directors of the Woodberry Manufac-
turing Company, a corporation created under and by virtue
Number of
of the Act of the General Assembly of Maryland, passed at
the January session of 1868, chapter 463, and the amend-
ments thereto, shall at no time be less than seven nor more
than nine, as a majority of the stockholders of said corpor-
ation may from time to time determine, at any meeting or
meetings called after the passage of this act, and all
elections for directors shall be by ballot, and each stock-
holder shall be entitled to as many votes as he owns shares
of stock in said corporation, but no share of stock shall be
voted for more than one person, and the persons not ex-
ceeding the number of directors to be voted for receiving
the greatest number of votes shall be directors, provided ,
however, that in the event of a failure to elect the full num -
ber of directors, the stockholders shall elect a sufficient
number to complete the board of directors, and the stock-
holders shall fix by their by-laws a time for the election cf
directors after the first election held under the amendment,
and the board of directors, under this amendment, shall
liave power to fill any vacancy in their number until the