the Firemen's Insurance Company, of Baltimore," and the
several supplements thereto, be and the same is hereby
repealed and re-enacted so as to read as follows, viz :
13. The affairs of the company shall be managed by a
board of directors, who shall be elected annually at the
office of the company, on the fourth Monday of January,
between the hours of twelve uoon and one p. m., and who,
previous to entering upon the duties of their office shall take
the following oath or affirmation, viz :
"I, A. B., do swear (or affirm, as the case may be) that I
will faithfully, diligently, impartially and honestly fulfill the
duties of my office of director to the best of my knowledge
and ability."
The said board shall be composed of twenty shareholders,
and in their election each shareholder shall be entitled to one
vote, either in person or by proxy, for each share of the capi-
tal stock held by him. In the event of the death or resig-
nation of any of said directors, during the term for which
they are so chosen, the vacancy thus occurring shall not be
filled, at the succeeding annual election, but the number of
directors shall be reduced in this manner from time to time,
until they shall not exceed fifteen, which number shall
thenceforth constitute a board of directors to manage the
affairs of the company for one year or until their successors
h'ave been elected and qualified, and then all vacancies in
said board of directors, from whatever cause arising, shall
be filled until the next anunal election by the remaining
dirctors. The directors shall, at their first meeting after
their election , choose by ballot, a president, either from
their own body or from the other stockholders, who, previous
to entering upon the duties of his office, shall take the oath
or affirmation similar in form to that prescribed for the
directors. In the event of the death, resignation or dis-
qualification of the president, the directors shall proceed
to elect his successor in the same manner.
SEC. G. And be it further enacted, That the following
section be and it is liereby added to the act of eighteen
hundred and twenty-five, chapter fifty-five, entitled " an
act to incorporate the president and directors of the Fire-
men's Insurance Company of Baltimore."
27. The board of directors of the Firemen's Insurance
Company of Baltimore, or a majority of them, when met as
Powers of
Board of
a board, with or without the president, shall have power,
and they are hereby authorized to provide for the sale or
other disposition and transfer, of all shares of stock thereof
which shall be forfeited to, vested in or held by the corpo-