terials and that sealed proposals for building or repairing
said bridge will be received until a day and hour named in
said advertisement.
124 C. Upon the day and hour named for closing of the
Open bids
bids for the building or repairing of said bridge, the board
of road commissioners shall in the presence of at least one
County Commissioner of said county open said sealed pro-
posals, if there be auy such proposals, and the contract
shall be awarded to the lowest bidders ; who in the opinion
of the road commissioners shall be qualified to build or re-
pair such bridge ; and the contractor shall be required to
enter into bond with approved security, double the amount
of the contract conditioned for its faithful performance, but
in the event that there be no such proposals submitted then
the road commissioners, as a body shall have power to con-
tract in the name of the said county with any one possess-
ing the proper qualifications and ability subject to the pro-
visions of this act.
124 D. When a contractor shall notify the road commis-
sioners of the election district wherein the said work shall
Bridge to
be in-
have been done, that the bridge is finished he shall in-
spect the work, and if in his judgment it has been con-
structed according to the contract and specifications, he
shall take the same from the hands of the contractor, and
open it for public travel; and then, and not before, the
contractor shall be entitled to receive the last instalment
due thereon.
124 B. It shall be the duty of the road supervisors to
keep in repair and build all bridges the cost of which shall
not exceed the sum of fifty dollars.
124 F. It shall be the duty of the road com missioners to
divide the amount levied by the County Commissioners for
Levy for
the repairing the public roads into three equal parts, one of
which parts shall be used in each election district of
said county.
124 G. That no public road in Calvert County shall be
Road com
opened or altered except by and with the approval and con-
to sit with
sent of the road commissioners of said county, who are
hereby authorized and empowered to sit with the County
Commissioners of said county at the hearing of all applica-
tions for the opening and altering of said public road.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved March 16th, 1892.