SECTION 1. Therefore, Be it enacted by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That the comptoller be, and lie is hereby
To refund
directed to issue liis warrant to the treasurer to pay to Alex-
ander Barnett, administrator of Alexander H. Barnett, late
of Talbot County, deceased, the sum of forty -four dollars
and twenty-nine cents, taxes erroneously paid to the State
by the said decedent in his life time.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That tliis act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved March 17th, 1892.
AN ACT to add additional sections to article five of the
Code of Public Local Laws, title " Calvert County," sub-
title "Roads," to follow immediately after section 124
and to be designated as section 124 A, 124 B, 124 C,
124 D, 124 E, 124 F, and 124 G.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the following new sections be and they are
hereby added to article five of the Code of Public Local
Laws, title "Calvert County," sub-title "Roads," to follow
immediately after section 324 and to be designated as sec-
tion 124 A, 124 B, 124 C, 124 D, 124 E, 124 F, 124 G.
124 A. It shall be the duty of each of the road commis-
sioners of Calvert County on or before the first day of April
in each and every year to examine the bridges in his elec-
tion district and ascertain what amount of money will be
necessary to build or repair the bridges in such district and
if in his judgment the amount required shall amount to two
hundred dollars or more in either district, it shall be the
duty of the board of road commissioners to notify the
Board of County Commissioners on or before the annual
levy in each year, of said amount, whereupon the Board of
County Commissioners shall cause to be levied said esti-
mated amount over and above the amount authorized to be
levied annually tor the building and repairing of the public
roads of said county.
124 B. All bridges to be built or repaired whose cost
shall exceed fifty dollars shall be built or repaired by con-
tract and the road commissioners shall advertise in at least
Judges to
be built
one newspaper published in said county for two successive
and re-
weeks, setting forth the place where said bridge is to be
paired by
built or repaired, with specifications of the plans or ma-