AN ACT to authorize the mayor and city council of Balti-
more to issue the stock of said corporation to an amount
not exceeding six millions of dollars for building a court
house and securing the necessary ground therefor ; for
the opening, widening, repairing and paving of streets ;
the construction of sewers and bridges ; the supplying of
school buildings; the laying of conduits for telegraph and
other wires : the preparation of topographical maps : and
for other permanent public improvements, and to authorize
the submission of all ordinances for that purpose to the
legal voters of said city.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the mayor and city council of Baltimore
be and they are hereby authorized to issue the stock of the
city of Baltimore to an amount not exceeding six millions
City stock—
for what
of dollars, the proceeds thereof to be used for the building
of a court house, and securing the necessary ground there
and how to
be issued.
for ; for the opening, widening, repairing and paving of
streets; the construction of sewers and bridges; the supply-
ing of school buifdings ; the laying of conduits for telegraph
and other wires; the preparation of topographical maps,
and for other permanent public improvements ; said stock
shall be issued from time to time in such amounts, payable
at such time or times, and shall bear such rate of interest
as the said mayor and city council of Baltimore shall pro-
vide by ordinance ; but the said stock shall not be issued
unless the ordinance which the mayor and city council of
Baltimore are hereby authorized to enact, shall be approved
by a majority of the votes of the legal voters of said city,
cast at the time and place to be appointed by said ordinance
in a provision tor submitting the same to the legal voters of
said city, as required by section 7, article 11, of the consti-
tution of Maryland.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved March 15th, 1892.