bond, if any be required, to be given by the officers of the
said corporation, and to regulate the salaries of the officers
or employes of the said corporation.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the said corporation
hereby formed, shall have full power to manufacture tin-
ware, hardware and such other articles of merchandise as
of cor-
the said corporation may deem profitable, and may barter,
buy, sell and deal in such articles of merchandise, and such
other articles of merchandise either wholesale or retail, as
the said corporation may deem profitable, except spirituous
and fermented liquors ; and shall have power to acquire,
develop, improve, use, work or otherwise dispose of any
novelty, invention or process patented by the United States ;
and for the sale, lease, or other disposition of articles manu-
factured under such patent or patents ; and shall have
power to acquire by purchase or lease such real estate as
may be deemed necessary and proper by the said corpora-
tion, for the useful and successful management and opera-
tion of the business of said company, and may sell or lease the
said real estate if the said company shall deem it advisable.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the said corporation
hereby created, and the Board of Directprs and stock-
holders thereof, shall in addition to the powers hereby
granted, have and enjoyed in all respects all the powers,
privileges, benefits and advantages which now are, or may
hereafter be conferred by the Public General Laws of Mary-
land, relating to corporations, upon corporations formed,
or to be formed in accordance with the provisions thereof ;
and the corporation hereby formed shall in all respects,
except in so far as may be inconsistent with the provisions
of this act, be subject to the provisions and regulations con-
tained in the Public General Laws of this State, relating
to corporations, in reference to corporations formed or to be
formed thereunder.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That at all elections, every
stockholder shall be entitled to one vote for each share held,
and the stockholders may vote either in person or by proxy.
of stock-
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved March 15th, 1892.