Register of Wills of any county or of the city of Baltimore
where any will shall have been filed for probate, or any
deputy of his when directed so to do by an order of the
to wills
Orphans' Court may examine and take the deposition of any
to be
or all of the witnesses thereto who from any cause cannot
conveniently attend at the office of said Register of Wills,
wherever he may find such witness, or witnesses, whether
within the State of Maryland or beyond its jurisdictions, pro-
vided that before the original will is taken from the office of
said Register of Wills for the purpose of being so proved, the
said register shall cause to be made out and filed among the
records of his court, a copy of said will duly certified under
the seal of his court ; and the probate of any will so taken
shall have the same effect and be as valid as if all of the
witnesses thereto had appeared before and been examined
by the Orphans' Court or the Register of Wills of the county
or city where the same had been filed for probate and record,
provided further that the Orphans' Court may in their dis-
cretion, accept proof of any will, in the manner prescribed
in section 337 of this article, when the attendance of the
witnesses thereto cannot, in the judgment of the said court
be conveniently had.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved March 10th, 1892.
AN ACT to authorize the County Commissioners of Dor-
chester County to borrow money on the credit of the
county for the purpose of repairing the bridge across Cam-
bridge Creek iu the town of Cambridge in said county, to
place an iron draw therein, to give their bonds or bills
obligatory for the payment of the same, and to levy taxes
on the assessable property of said county to redeem said
bonds or bills obligatory and to pay the interest thereon.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the County Commissioners of Dorchester
County be and they are hereby authorized and empowered
to contract for the repairing of the bridge across Cambridge
sioners of
Creek in the town of Cambridge in said county, and the
placing of an iron draw therein, so as to provide better
may repair
facilities for navigation as well as for the safety of the
public in passing over said bridge, and also to improve said