AN ACT to add an additional section to article eleven of
the Code of Public Local Laws' of Maryland, title "Fred-
erick County," sub -title "Justices of the Peace and
Constables," to be known as section 289 A, creating a
Police Justice of the Peace for election district number
two in Frederick County.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the following be added as an additional
section to article eleven of the Code of Public Local Laws of
Maryland, title "Frederick County," sub title "Justices of
the Peace and Constables," to be known as section 289 A.
SEC. 289 A. The Governor, in the commission, to be issued
by him shall designate one of the five justices of the peace
to be appointed for election district number two in Frederick
County, as a Police Justice of the Peace, and said Police
Justice shall be paid in quarterly payments by the County
Commissioners of Frederick County, the sum of five hundred
dollars per annum, and shall receive no other or further fees
for any services rendered by him in criminal cases or arrests
for violation of any of the laws of the State of Maryland,
and said Police Justice shall issue upon application therefor,
warrants for the arrest of persons charged with violating any
provisions of the laws of Maryland, and shall have all the
powers and jurisdiction now vested by law in a justice of the
peace of said county, and any other justice of the peace of
said election district number two in said county who issues
a warrant for the arrest of any person charged with a viola-
tion of law, shall be allowed only the sum of twenty-five
cents for issuing said warrant, and for all other service he
may render in said case ; and the said Police Justic's shall
be allowed only the sum of twenty-five cents for all services
he may render in a civil suit.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That
this act shall take effect from the date of its passage, and all
acts of the General Assembly of Maryland and all parts of
acts are hereby repealed, in so far as they are in conflict
with the provisions of this act, and so far only.
Approved March 9th, 1892.