AN ACT to enable " the Board of Trustees of Gaithersburg
Methodist Episcopal Church, in the United States of
America, of Montgomery County," a religious corporation,
incorporated under the general corporation laws of the
State of Maryland, to sell and dispose of certain real estate
owned by it in Gaithersburg, in said county.
WHEREAS, " The Board of Trustees of Gaithersburg Meth-
odist Episcopal Church, in the United States of America, of
Montgomery County," is the owner of a lot of ground at
Gaithersburg, in said Montgomery County, containing two-
thirds of an acre, more or less, conveyed to it by John T.
De Sellum and others, by deed dated the 18th day of July,
1891, and recorded in Liber J. A., No. 29, folios 267, 268,
269 and 270, one of the land records of said Montgomery
County, on which its present church edifice, or house of
worship now stand; and whereas said corporation has re-
cently purchased another lot of ground, and begun the
erection of another church edifice or house of worship thereon,
and is now desirous of selling and disposing of its original
lot so conveyed to it as aforesaid by John T. De Sellum and
others, and of applying the proceeds to the improvement of
said recently purchased lot and new church edifice therefor.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That "the Board of Trustees of Gaithersburg
Methodist Episcopal Church, in the United States of
America, of Montgomery County," be, and it is hereby
ed to sell.
authorized and empowered to sell, convey or otherwise dis-
pose of said lot of land at Gaithersburg, in said Montgomery
County, containing two-thirds of an acre, more or less, con-
veyed to it by John T. De Sellum and others, and to apply
the proceeds thereof to the improvement of said recently
purchased lot and the new church edifice thereon.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That this act shall take effect
In force
from the. date of its passage.
Approved March 8th, 1892.