four additional sections thereto to be numbered one hun-
dred and fifty -three A, one hundred and fifty-three B, one
hundred and fifty-three C, and one hundred and fifty-
three D ....................................................
No. 509. An act to provide for the assignment and transfer of
certain shares of the capital stock of the East on National
Bank of Maryland, standing upon the books of said bank in
the name of the Orphans' Court of Caroline County, or the
judges thereof, and certain other shares of the capital
stock of the Natipnal Mechanics of Baltimore standing on
the books of said bank in the name of the said Orphans'
Court or the judges thereof, and certain other bank stock
of the Commercial and Farmers' National Bank of Balti-
more, standing on the books of said bank, iu the name of
John Boone et al., or of the said Orphans' Court or the
judges thereof, to the Board of County School Commission-
ers for Caroline County." ................................
No. 510. An act to repeal section thirty-five of article nine of
the Code of Public General Laws of the State of Maryland,
title "Attachments," sub-title "Attachments on original
process for fraud." ......................................
No. 511. An act requiring the County Commissioners of Queen
Anne's Couuty, on the application of the Board of School
Commissioners of Queen Anne's County, to levy for and
furnish to said school commissioners the money necessary to
erect and equip a high school building iu Centreville, in
said county, and procure a proper site for same.............
No. 512. An act to prohibit fast driving or riding ou or over
the highway bridge across the Potomac River at Hancock,
Maryland, of the Hancock Bridge Company of Washington
No. 513. An act to repeal and re-enact with amendments sec-
tions 214 and 214 A, of article 2 of the Code of Public Local
Laws, title "Anne Arundel County," subtitle "Sheriff,"
as said sections appear in chapter 395 and 503 of the acts
1890. and to add a new section to said article to follow
immediately after section 214 A, to be designated as section
214 B ..................................................
No. 514. An act to repeal section one hundred and seventy-
two A, of article eighteen, of the Code of Public Local
Laws, title "Queen Anne's County," sub-title "Fish and
Terrapins," as repealed and re-enacted by chapter five hun-
dred and twenty-eight of the acts of the General Assembly
of Maryland, and to re-enact the same with amendments...
No. 515. An act to repeal and re-enact with amendments sec-
tion 7 of article 77, of the Code of Public General Laws,
title "Public Education," sub title chapter 2, "Formation
of Boards. " ................................