No. 494. An act to amend the charter of the "M. J. Grove
Lime Company of Frederick County," by authorizing the
said company to purchase and hold lands in this and other
States, districts and territories of the United States, to
enlarge its powers, increase the capital stock and perpetuate
the existence of said corporation............................
No. 496. An act to repeal and re-euact with amendments sec-
tion 3, of chapter 597, passed at January session, 1890,
entitled "An act to confer additional jurisdiction upon
justices of the peace of Baltimore County." .............
No. 497. An act to incorporate the town of Laytonsville in
Montgomery County ......................................
No. 498. An act to authorize the trustees of the Methodist
Episcopal Church of Frederick, Maryland, to sell and convey
certain real estate in Frederick City.......................
No. 499. An act to repeal section eighty-three of article ten of
the Code of Public Local Laws, title "Dorchester County,"
sub-title " Cambridge," as amended by the act of eighteen
hundred and ninety, chapter three hundred and eleven, and
to re-enact the same with amendments.....................
No. 500. An act to repeal section thirty -one of article fourteen
of the Code of Public Local Laws, title "Howard County"
sub-title "Birds and Game" and to re-enact the same to
read as follows ..............................................
No. 502. An act to incorporate "The Commonwealth Guar-
antee Company." .......................................
No. 503. An act to incorporate the Robeson Cemetery Associa-
tion of Garrett County ............................
No. 504. An act to repeal section three hundred and thirty-
seven of article ninety-three of the Code of Public General
Laws, and to re-enact the same with amendments............
No. 505. An act to repeal section thirty -two of article twelve
of the Code of Public Local Laws, title " Garrett County,"
sub-title "County Commissioners," and to re-enact the same
with amendments .......................................
No. 506. An act to repeal and re-enact with amendments sec-
tion seventy- seven of article five of the Code of Public Geu-
eral Laws, title " Appeals and Errors,'' sub-title "Appeals
in Criminal Cases." .....................................
No. 507. An act to repeal section 45 of article 9 of the Code
of Public General Laws, entitled " Claimants of Property,"
and to re-enact the same with amendments ...................
No. 508. An act to amend article eighteeen of the Code of
Public Local Laws, title "Queen Anne's' County," sub-
title " Elections, Primary," by repealing sections one hun-
dred and fifty-two, and one hundred and fifty-three thereof,
and re-enacting the same with amendments and by adding