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Session Laws, 1892
Volume 397, Page 1020   View pdf image (33K)
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and to authorize the levying of the taxes by the respective

counties, to provide for the payment of said bonds with

interest and for the keeping said bridge in repair, and to

provide for the opening of roads to afford access to said bridge.


No. 281. An act to repeal sections ninety -four, ninety -five,

ninety-six, ninety-seven and ninety -eight of article fourteen

of the Code of Public Local Laws, title "Howard County,"

sub-title " Liquor aud Intoxicating Drinks," so far as the

same applies to that part of the second election district of

Howard County, included within the corporate limits of

Ellicott City, and to add new sections to said article four-

teen of the Code of Public Local Laws, to follow section

ninety -eight to be designated as sections ninety -eight A,

ninety -eight B, ninety -eight C, ninety-eight D, ninety -eight

E, ninety -eight F, and ninety -eight G ......................


No. 282. An act to repeal and re-enact with amendments sec-

tion 16 of article 54 of the Code of Public General Laws,

title "Land Office" relating to the indexing of certain land

records and contracts of deeds ...........................


No. 283. An act to repeal section 81 of article eleven of the

Code of Public Local Laws, title "Frederick County," sub-

title "County Commissioners," and to re-enact the same

with amendments .......................................


No. 284. An act to authorize the mayor and city council of

Baltimore to levy special assessments, and to provide for the

collection thereof, upon property binding on any street, lane

or alley of said city or part thereof, which may have been

graded, paved or curbed or regraded, repaved or recurbed

under any ordinance or ordinances of the mayor aud city

council, which ordinance provided for assessiug the whole

or any portion of the cost of such work upon the property

binding upon such street, lane or alley, or part thereof, and

which assessments from any cause have not been fully col-

lected by said mayor and city council ........................


No. 285. An act to repeal section one hundred and sixty-five

(165) and one hundred aud sixty-six (166) of article seventeen

(17) of the Code of Public Local Laws, title " Prince George's

County," sub-title "Hyattsville," as repealed, re-enacted

and amended by three hundred aud fifty -five (355), of the

Public Local Laws, session of 1890, and to re-enact the same

with amendments and to add to said title and sub-title a new

section providing for the making of special assessments,

said new section to be known as section 166 A..............


No. 286. An act to add a new section to article 4, of the Code

of Public Local Laws, title " City of Baltimore," sub-title

"Mayor and City Council of Baltimore," to come in alter

section 31, aud to be called section 31 A, relating to the

hours of labor of mechanics and laborers employed upon

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Session Laws, 1892
Volume 397, Page 1020   View pdf image (33K)
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