chapter five hundred and seventeen, and entitled "an act to in cor-
porate the mercantile trust and deposit company of Baltimore".....
No. 502. An act to appropriate a sum of money for the support of
the children's country home of Baltimore county........................
No. 503. An act to add a new section to article two, Code of Public
Local Laws of Maryland, title "Anne Arundel county," sub-title
"Sheriff," to come in after section two hundred and fourteen, to
be known as "Section two hundred and fourteen A."..................
No. 504. An act to punish any person who shall falsely represent
himself as a member of the police force of Baltimore city, or who
shall wear any of the insignia of office worn by the officers of said
force.............................................. ............................
No. 505. An act to incorporate the Baltimore, South Baltimore and
Custis bay railroad company.................................................
No. 507. An act to add additional sections to article eight, of the
Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland, title ''Cecil county,"
sub-title "Auctions," to be known as "Sections thirty-seven A,
thirty-seven B and thirty-seven G." .......................................
No. 508. An act to require the county commissioners of Carroll
county to pay to the mayor and common council of Westminster,
one-half the amount of road tax levied or taxed upon the property
within the limits of the city of Westminister ............................
No. 509. An act to repeal, re-enact and amend section three hundred
and seventy-eight, of article four, Code of Public Local Laws, en-
titled "City of Baltimore." sub-title "Health," so as to read as fol-
lows ...............................................................................
No. 510. An act to repeal section ten, of chapter thirty-two, passed
at the January session of the General Assembly of Maryland, for
the year eighteen hundred and sixty-five, entitled an act to incor-
porate the Baltimore and Hampden passenger railway... . .........
No. 511. An act to amend article seventy-seven, of the Code of Pub-
lic General Laws, title "Public education," sub-chapter eleven, sub-
title "County examiner," by adding the following section relating
to the bond of the secretary and treasurer of the board of county
school commissioners, and making other provisions for the security
upon said bond ........................ .......................................
No. 512 An act to amend article eleven, of the Code of Tublic Local
Laws of Maryland, title "Frederick county," sub-title "Liberty,"
by adding thereto after section two hundred and ninety-seven
of said article the following sections, to be designated "Sections
two hundred and ninety-seven A, sections two hundred and ninety-
seven B, and two hundred and ninety-seven C," prohibiting the
sale and use of squibs, rockets, crackers and other combustible fire-
works within half a mile of the methodist protestant church
in the village of Liberty, in said county... ......... .
No. 513. An act to provide for the assessment of the unclaimed mili-
tary lots and tracts of land in Allegany and Garrett counties, and