No. 491. An act to add an additional section to article eighty-one, of
of the Code of Public General Laws of this State, entitled "Revenue
and Taxes," sub-title "Payment of taxes by corporations," to be
designated as "Section eighty-six A," relating to the taxation of
savings banks and institutions...............................................
No. 492. An act to add an additional section to article twenty-seven,
of the Code of Public General Laws of Maryland, title "Crimes
and Punishments," designated "two hundred and eighty-eight A".....
No. 593. An act to give and grant the sanction of the General As-
sembly of Maryland to sundry gifts, grants, sales, leases, devises
and bequests of various persons in this State, to or for the use of
sundry religious sects, orders and denominations therein named.....
No. 494. An act to incorporate the Hagerstown street railway com-
company .........................................................................
No. 495. An act to amend the act incorporating the Baltimore college
of dental surgery passed February first, eighteen hundred and forty,
so as to increase the amount of property which it may be lawful
for said college to acquire.............................................. .. .
No. 496. An act to repeal and re-enact with amendments sections one
hundred and forty-five and one hundred and forty-six, of article
twenty-seven, of the Code of Public General Laws, title "Crimes
and Punishments," sub-title "Health, sale of cigars and tobacco
to minors"........................................................................
No. 497. An act to appropriate a sum of money therein mentioned to
pay the claims of M. E. Hill, J. L. Dawson, S. B. M. Hayden, Alien
Lusby, B. A. Owings, J. V. Roach, S. M. Benton, James Ireland,
James H. Wayson, S. M. Benton, assignee of W. A. Shepherd, and
J. T. Ward, J. V. Eoach, assignee of Walter Ealey, and Thomas
McCeney, Thomas E. Tanner, Edward Einehart, Samuel Childs
and G. B. Tanltou, for money due for services rendered in State
tobacco warehouse number two .............................................
No 498. An act to repeal section fifty-nine, of article twenty-seven,
of the Code of Public General Laws of Maryland, entitled "Crimes
and Punishments," sub-title "Destroying property maliciously,"
and to re-enact the same with amendments ..............................
No. 499. An act to declaie the charter of the Maryland and Virginia
bridge company as granted by the General Assembly of Maryland
by an act passed on the second day of March, A. D. eighteen hun-
dred and forty-eight, chapter two hundred and eighty-seven, of
the acts of eighteen hundred and forty-seven, forfeited unless said
bridge shall be repaired before the first day of November, A. D.
eighteen hundred and ninety ................................................
No. 500. An act making appropriations for the support of the State
government for the fiscal year ending on the thirtieth day of Sep-
tember, eighteen hundred and ninety-one.................................
No. 501. An act to amend an act of the General Assembly of Mary-
land, passed at the session of eighteen hundred and eighty-four,