or if no such surplus, then such compensation shall be made by
the mayor and city council of Baltimore city, upon the warrant
of the clerk of the superior court aforesaid, and the said mayor
and city council of Baltimore city shall be reimbursed by the
clerk of the superior court, out of the surplus revenue of said
clerk's office, whenever and as soon as there shall be any such sur-
plus revenue.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That after the aforesaid copies shall
have been duly made as above provided, the original land record
books so replaced, shall be removed to some place of safe-keeping
To pre-
by the said clerk of the superior court of Baltimore city, and care-
serve orig-
fully preserved, and only exhibited or allowed to be inspected upon
an order of court, or in the discretion of the said clerk of the su-
perior court of Baltimore city.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 8, 1890.
AN ACT to refund to Jennie E. Morre and Charles F. Snow, of
Worcester county, the sum of sixteen dollars and sixty-six
cents, and to authorize the county commissioners of Worcester
county to pay to said Jennie E. Morre and Charles F. Snow,
the sum of thirty-three dollars and thirty-three cents, being
amount paid to the State of Maryland and the county school
commissioners of said Worcester county, by said Jennie E.
Morre and Charles F. Snow for a license they were not per-
mitted to use.
WHEREAS, Jennie E. Morre and Charles F. Snow did upon the
first day of May, A. D. eighteen hundred and eighty-eight pay to
the clerk of the circuit court for Worcester county, the sum of
fifty dollars for a State ordinary license, and also the additional
sum of one hundred dollars under the provisions of section one
hundred and thirty-six, of article twenty-four, of the Code of
Public Local Laws of the State of Maryland, entitled "Worcester
county," and which said sums were paid to the treasurer of this
State and the board of county school commissioners of Worcester
county, respectively; and
WHEREAS, by the payment of said sums the said Jennie E.
Morre and Charles F. Snow were entitled to carry on the business
of hotel-keepers under the authority of said license, for one year
from the first day of May, A. D. eighteen hundred and eighty-