SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That this act shall take effect from the
date of its passage.
Approved April 8, 1890.
AN ACT to enable the qualified voters of Crisfleld, Lawson's,
Brinkley's, Fairmont, St. Peter's, Dame's Quarter, Tangier,
Mount Vernon and Smith's Island districts, of Somerset county,
to determine by ballot whether the catching or taking of oys-
ters with scoop, scrape, drag, dredge or any similar instrument
in any of the waters of Somerset county shall be prohibited.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted ty the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the question whether or not the catching or taking of oys-
ters with scoop, scrape, drag, dredge or any similar instrument
in the waters of Somerset county shall be prohibited, shall be
submitted to the legally qualified voters in Crisfield, Lawson's,
Brinkley's, Fairmount, St. Peter's, Dame's Quarter, Tangier,
Mount Vernon and Smith's Island districts in Somerset county,
on the second Tuesday in May, eighteen hundred and ninety,
To submit
(the same being the thirteenth day of May, eighteen hundred and
to vote.
ninety,) which election shall be held in accordance with the law
controlling elections in this State, and in said Somerset county
before the enactments on elections, passed at the January session
of the General Assembly for the year eighteen hundred and
ninety, so that the law passed at said January session of eighteen
hundred and ninety shall not govern said election, but the law in
force prior to the passage of said act of eighteen hundred and
ninety; and the sheriff of Somerset county shall give notice of
the time and purpose and place of said election by handbills
posted in at least five public places in each of said districts and
one at the court house door in Princess Anne, and by advertise-
ment published in two newspapers printed in said county, at least
ten days before said election, in which notices a copy of this act
shall be inserted; and the expense of said election, including the
costs of printing the handbills aforesaid, shall be levied by the
commissioners of said county and paid as other county expenses
are paid; and at the election aforesaid, the judges of election