in each and every year : nor any rabbits between the first day of
March and the first day of November in each and every year ;
nor any muskrats between the first day of March and the first
day of November in each and every year; nor any wild goose
between the first day of April and the first day of November in
each and every year.
SEC. 2. Be it further enacted, That any person or persons vio-
lating any of the provisions of the preceding section of this.
act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on convic-
tion thereof before any justice of the peace for said county, shall
pay a fine of five dollars for each and every partridge, quail, wild
duck, rabbit, muskrat or wild goose so shot or taken; one-half of
said fine to be paid to the informer and the remainder as herein-
after directed; and on failure to pay said fine shall be lodged in
the county jail for thirty clays.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That it shall not be lawful
for any person not a bona fide resident of said county, unless
invited by and accompanying some bona fide resident of said
county, to shoot, kill, catch or in any way entrap any partridges,
quail, wild duck, rabbit, muskrat or wild goose, or any other
wild game within the limits of said county, without first having
obtained from the clerk of the circuit court of said county a
license permitting the person named in such license to shoot or
trap wild game in said county one year from date said license
is issued; and that the person named therein or the party-
procuring such license shall pay to said clerk for such licenses
the sum of nine dollars and fifty cents, and fifty cents to the
clerk for his fee for issuing such licenses; and any non-resident
of said county upon conviction before any justice of the peace
for said county, of shooting or trapping any wild game within
the limits of said county without license so to do, shall be fined
forty dollars for the first and every subsequent offense; on failure
to pay said fine the offender shall stand committed to the county
jail for thirty days.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, that the possession by any
person within the county of any of the birds or other wild game
mentioned in the preceding sections of this act, at any time in
which the shooting or trapping of the same is prohibited by said
preceding sections, or the possession by any express or transpor-
tation company of any partridges, quail, wild duck, rabbits, musk-
rats, wild goose, at any time in which the shooting or trapping
of the same is prohibited, shall be prima facie evidence of a vio-
lation of this act.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That any person or persons
found trespassing upon any private property in this county, which
shall have been posted in at least three public places or adver-
tised in some newspaper printed in said county, in each case at