Thirty-seventh. To the bequest to the trustees of the German
Trinity church of Baltimore, on Trinity street, east of High street,
To bequest
Baltimore, the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars contained
in the will of Mary Tatgenhorst, deceased.
Thirty-eighth. To the bequests by Maria Berger, late of Balti-
more city, deceased, in her last will and testament to the Balti-
more humane impartial society and aged woman's home, to the
To bequest
Baltimore orphan asylum, to the old men's home, to the board of
home missions of the presbyteriau church in the United States
of America, and to the second presbyterian church, society or
congregation in the city of Baltimore.
Thirty-ninth. To the bequest of one hundred dollars contained
in the last will and testament of Lucy Bowman, late of Carroll
To bequest
county, Maryland, deceased, to Trinity reformed church of Man-
chester, Carroll county, Maryland.
Fortieth. To the bequest contained in the last will and testament
of John C. Adams, late of Talbot county, deceased, to the vestry
To bequest
of St. Michael's parish, in the diocese of Easton.
Forty-first. To the bequests contained in the last will and tes-
tament of John Shirk, late of Carroll county, deceased, to the
German baptist missionary work and church erection fund of the
State of Illinois, of the sum of five hundred dollars, and to the
To be-
trustees of the Pipe creek German baptist church, district of Car-
roll county, in the State of Maryland, of the sum of three hun-
dred dollars.
Forty-second. To the acquisition by the electors of the Baltimore
Hebrew congregation in Baltimore city, of the leasehold lot of
ground situate ou the corner of Watson and Lloyd streets, in said
city, conveyed by and described in a deed from Susan F. Williams,
dated January fifth, eighteen hundred and forty-four, and re-
To acqui-
corded in Baltimore city, in liber T. K., number three hundred
and thirty-seven, folio two hundred and eighty-nine, &c.; and of
the lot of ground on the corner of Madison avenue and Roberts
sbreet, in said city, which by deed dated January fourteenth, eigh-
teen hundred and ninety, and duly recorded among said land
records in liber J. B., number twelve hundred and seventy-five,
folio twenty-six, &c., was conveyed to the said corporation by the
benevolent society of the city and county pf Baltimore.
Forty-third. To the bequest of one hundred dollars, Cath-
To bequest
erine H. Berthy to the trustees of the catholic cathedral church
of Baltimore.
Forty-fourth. To the acquisition by the German evangelical
Luthren St. Paul's congregation of the unaltered Augsburg con-
To acqui-
fession of Baltimore city, of a lot of grourd on the southwest
corner of Fremont and Saratoga streets in Baltimore city, con-
veyed to said congregation by Charles F. Kleppish, and of a lot