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Session Laws, 1890
Volume 396, Page 678   View pdf image (33K)
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described in the deed from said Eunice C. Fox, unto said body

3orporate, dated the third day of October, A. D. eighteen hun-


dred and sixty-seven, and recorded among the land records of

Baltimore city, in liber A. M., number three hundred and fifty-

Sve, folio three hundred and seventy, &c.

Fourteenth. To the sale of William Daniel and Eobert D. Sil-

verwood, trustees, to the trustees of the methodist episcopal church

in the north Baltimore station, in the city of Baltimore, a body


corporate, of certain property at the northwest corner of North

avenue and Aisquith street, in Baltimore city, fully described in

deed from said William Daniel aud Eobert D. Silverwood,

trustees, to said body corporate, dated the second day of April

A. D. eighteen hundred and seventy-nine, and recorded among

the land records of Baltimore county, in liber J. B., number one

hundred and eleven, folio three hundred and thirty-file, &c.

Fifteenth. To the sale of Harry W. Chambers to the trustees

of the methodist episcopal church in the north Baltimore station

in the city of Baltimore, a body corporate, of certain property on


the old York road (or Point lane) in Baltimore city, fully de-

scribed in the deed from said Harry W. Chambers to said body

corporate, dated the fifth day of June, A. D. eighteen hundred

and eighty-three, and recorded among the land records of Balti-

more city in liber R. F. A., number nine hundred and sixty-nine,

folio eight, &c.

Sixteenth. That the sanction and assent of the General As-

sembly of Maryland is hereby given to the several gifts, devises

and bequests of Catharine E. Bonlden by her last Bill and testa-

ment to the Reverend Father Dausch, the Reverend Father An-

To several

drews, the protectors of St. Mary's orphaline female school of

gifts, &c.

the city of Baltimore, the St. Mary's industrial school for boys

of the city of Baltimore, and the little sisters of the poor, which

will has been duly admitted to piobate by the orphans' court of

Baltimore city, and is of record in the office of the register of

wills for said city.

Seventeenth. That the sanction and consent of said General

Devise and

Assembly of Maryland, be and the same is hereby given to a devise
and bequest by Ellen A. Callan, late of Bedford county, Penn-

sylvania, deceased, to St. Peter's and St. Paul's Geiman Roman

catholic church of Cumberland, Maryland, commonly known as

the "German catholic church of Cumberland, Maryland," of the

residue of said testator's estate in Maryland.

Eighteenth. That the sanction and consent of the said general

assembly be and is hereby given and granted to a sale of a certain

To a sale.

tract of land by John Cooke Sedwick and wife to the vestry of

Christ church parish in Calvert county, and fully described in a

certain deed from said Sedwick and wife to said vestry, dated the

ninth day of January, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, and re-

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Session Laws, 1890
Volume 396, Page 678   View pdf image (33K)
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