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Session Laws, 1890
Volume 396, Page 677   View pdf image (33K)
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Ninth. To the sale and conveyance of Leander M. Zimmerman

and John M. Hermann to the Christ English evangelical Lutheran

church of Baltimore city, Maryland, a body corporate, of certain

property on the south side of Hill street, in the city of Baltimore,


and fully described in a deed from said Leander M. Zimmerman


and John M. Hermann, to said body corporate, dated the fifteenth

day of February, A. D, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, and re-

corded among the land records of Baltimore city, in liber J. B.,

number twelve hundred and thirty-eight, folio one hundred and

ninety-three, &c.

Tenth. To the demise from Herman H._Ahrling and wife to

Gustavus A. Dobler, and the assignment by said Gustavus A.

Dobler to the St. Peter's evangelical Lutheran congregation of

Baltimore city, a body corporate, of certain property at the south-

cast corner of Fayette and East streets, fully described in the

lease from said Herman A. Ahrling and wife, unto the said Gus-


tavus A. Dobler, dated the eighteenth day of January, A. D.

eighteen hundred and seventy-five, and recorded among the land

records of Baltimore city, in liber G. R., number six hundred and

eighty-seven,' folio three hundred and fifty-seven, &c.; and in the

assignment of the same property from said Gustavus A. Dobler,

to the said body corporate, dated the twenty-third day of August,
A. D. eighteen hundred and seventy-five, and recorded among the

land records of Baltimore city, in liber G. R., number seven hun-

dred and eleven, folio five hundred and fifty-eight, &c.

Eleventh. To the sale by Charles Spilman to the St. Peter's

evangelical Lutheran congregation of Baltimore city, a body cor-

porate, of certain property on the south side of Fayette street, in

the city of Baltimore, and fully described in a deed from said


Charles Spilman, to said body corporate, dated the sixth day of

October. A. D. eighteen hundred and eighty-one, and recorded

among the land records of Baltimore city, in liber F. A. P., num-

ber nine hundred and ten, folio four hundred and forty-nine, &c.

Twelfth. To the demise by Wilhelmina Becker, to the St. Luke's

evangelical Lutheran church of Woodberry, in Baltimore county,

Maryland, of certain property in Baltimore city, at the north-

west corner of Chestnut avenue and Third avenue in the city of


Baltimore (formerly in the village of Hampden,) fully described

in the lease from said Wilhelmina Becker, unto said body cor-

porate, dated the thirtieth day of December, A. D. eighteen hun-

dred and eighty-five, and recorded among the land records of Bal-

timore county, in liber J. W. S., number one hundred and fifty-

two, folio four hundred and thirty-nine, &c.

Thirteenth. To the sale of Eunice C. Fox, widow, to the trustees

of the methodist episcopal church in the north Baltimore station

in the city of Baltimore, a body corporate, of certain property

on the north side of Eager street, in the city of Baltimore, fully

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Session Laws, 1890
Volume 396, Page 677   View pdf image (33K)
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