in each election district or precinct of each county, and each elec-
tion precinct of the city of Baltimore, in which any of the elec-
tions hereinbefore mentioned is to be held, to certify to the boards
of supervisors of election respectively, immediately after the close
of the last sitting of the registers in each year, the number of
registered voters in each voting district or precinct of the several
Duty of
counties and of the city of Baltimore, as the case may be; the
officers hereinbefore charged with the duty of preparing the bal-
lots shall respectively furnish the ballots for use in each such
election, and also cause to be printed without the fac-simile en-
Shall fur-
dorsements, ten or more copies of the form of the ballot provided
nish bal-
for each voting place at each election therein, which shall be
called specimen ballots, and shall be furnished with the other
ballots provided for each such voting place.
143. It shall be the duty of the secretary of State and of the
said supervisors of elections respectively, to furnish any persons
applying therefor copies of any certificates of nominations, nomi-
To furnish
nation papers or withdrawal papers filed with them for which
they shall be entitled to charge at the same rates as for copies of
other documents in their offices, such costs to be paid by the mayor
and city council of Baltimore and county commissioners respeo
144. The said boards of supervisors of election respectively, shall
four days at least prior to the day of any election in the said cities
and their counties respectively, cause to be conspicuously posted
Shall post.
in one or more public places in each voting precinct of said cities
and in each voting district or precinct of the counties respectively,
sample copies of the ballots to be used in such district or pre-
145. The board of supervisors of elections shall the day pre-
ceding the election deliver to the board of police of the city of
Baltimore, all the ballots, specimen ballots and cards of instruc-
tion, and the second day before the election, the supervisors of
elections of each county shall deliver to the sheriff of the county,
the ballots, specimen ballots and cards of instruction; the said
two sets of ballots shall be delivered in separate sealed packages,
with marks on the outside, clearly designating the several polling-
places for which the respective packages are intended, and the
ballots and
cards of In-
number of ballots of each kind enclosed, and the said board of
police and sheriffs shall give their receipts therefor; a record
shall be kept by said boards of supervisors, of the time when such
delivery was made, and of the particulars thereof, and the same
with said receipts shall be preserved for one year, unless a con-
test hath occurred with reference to any office which was embraced
in the ballots and then until the contest is ended when they shall
be destroyed.